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Postdoc-Stelle im Graduiertenkolleg "Breaking Expectations"

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Postdoc-Stelle im Graduiertenkolleg "Breaking Expectations"

The full-time position of

Postdoctoral Researcher
is available at the Department of Psychology of the University of Marburg in Marburg, Germany. It is to be filled as soon as
possible until 30.09.2026, if no qualification periods are to be taken into account. An extension may be granted after positive
evaluation. Salary and benefits commensurate with a public service position at pay grade level 13 in the start Hesse, Germany
(TV-H E 13).

The position is part of the DFG funded Research Training Group “Breaking Expectations” (RTG 2271): https://www.uni-mar- The aim of the research group is to gain an understanding of the cognitive and behavioral mecha-
nisms and personal characteristics that contribute to the change or maintenance of (violated) expectations by integrating the
subdisciplines of psychology.

Responsibilities include scientific research and lecturing, in particular the independent planning, implementation, evaluation,
and publication of empirical studies of the topics related to the Research Teaching Group, the integration of single findings
from different sub-projects along five overarching research questions (see
2271/projects), and especially active participation in the advancement and verification of theoretical models and concepts in
the research field of the research group. We expect the collaboration on scientific publications, focusing on and exchange of
Open Science methods, regular and active participation in the Research Teaching Group’s events as well as active and inde-
pendent engagement in the structuring of the group. Additionally, you are the contact person for doctoral researchers involved
in the group.

The position is embedded in a broad, diverse network of scientists at different stages of their careers and from different
psychological sub-disciplines, and is closely affiliated with the spokespeople of the Research Training Group (Prof. Dr. Sarah
Teige-Mocigemba and Prof. Dr. Erik M. Mueller). The required laboratory capacities, test subject funds, and infrastructure for
the research projects are available to an appropriate extent. Additionally, resources for individual career coaching, interna-
tional conference visits and the further education of postdoctoral researchers is available.

This is a temporary qualification position with the aim of being eligible for a professorship (habilitation or habiliation-equiva-
lent). Within the framework of the assigned tasks, the opportunity for independent scientific work, which serves one’s own
scientific qualification, is offered. The contract limitation is based on § 2 Para. 1 Sentence 2 WissZeitVG.

Prerequisites are a completed academic university degree (diploma, master’s degree, or equivalent) as well as a completed
doctorate in the field of psychology, preferably in a broadly applicable research area related to expectation (e.g social cogni-
tion). We also expect relevant publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals, provable experience in the field of natural and
social scientific experimental methodology, very good command of written and spoken English as well a proven practical skills
in the area of statistical analysis of complex data. Knowledge in the field of PC-based test controls is beneficial.

For questions, please contact the spokespersons of the Research Training Group Prof. Dr. Sarah Teige-Mocigemba and Prof. Dr.
Erik Mueller (+49-6421 28 23640 or +49-642128 23659 and/or,

We promote opportunities for women, expressly requesting applications from women. In areas where women are underrepre-
sented, we will favor female applicants if their application carries equal merit compared to the applications of their male
peers. Our university furthermore aims to be family-friendly, which means we welcome applicants with children.

Filling this position on a part-time basis (see § 9 (2) sentence 1 of the Hessian Equal Rights Act –(HGIG)) or reduced working
hours are possible in principle.

Applicants with disabilities within the context of the German Social Security Code IX (SGB) (§ 2 (2), (3)) will be favored if their
application carries equal merit compared to applications from candidates without disabilities.

Please submit only copies of your documents, as they cannot be returned after the selection process. Application and processing
costs will not be refunded.

All application documents (CV in tabular form, certificates, diplomas, cover letter, letters of reference or the names and
addresses of two scientists, who may be contacted as references) must be sent in one PDF to
before April, 8th, 2022, citing reference number fb04-0007-wmz-2022.

Deadline extended to November 27th!

Postdoc-Stelle im Graduiertenkolleg "Breaking Expectations"

Philipps-Universität Marburg
Full time, Temporary position
Doctoral Qualification
Deutsch, Englisch

Published on 29.12.2022

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