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Postdoctoral Research Position in Cognitive Science (f/m/d)

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Postdoctoral Research Position in Cognitive Science (f/m/d)

The Department of Psychology at the University of Göttingen, Germany, invites applications for a

Postdoctoral Research Position in Cognitive Science (f/m/d)

with TV-L E13, 100 % for 3 years.

The position
The position is linked to a project on the topic "Mechanisms, Capacities, and Dependencies: A New Theory
of Causal Reasoning", led by Michael R. Waldmann and funded by the German Research Foundation
(Koselleck program). The goal of the project is to develop a novel theory of causal cognition, integrating
insights from Pearl's hierarchical causal inference theory with new theories of mechanisms developed in
philosophy of science (the New Mechanism view). One of the expected outcomes is a new psychological
theory that explains everyday causal cognition. The theory will be experimentally tested by investigating
different causal models, mechanisms, and tasks in various content domains and populations (adults,
children, non-human primates). Additionally, computational models of the theory will be developed and
the role of mechanisms in psychological research will be analyzed. The project will bring together an
interdisciplinary group of researchers from different fields of cognitive science.

A PhD degree in Psychology, Cognitive Science, or a related field is required. We are primarily looking for a
candidate with experience with empirically testing theories of causal reasoning. Candidates with research
experience in related fields of higher-level cognition are also encouraged to apply. Prior experience with
running, analyzing, and documenting online experiments is required.

The group will be located at the University of Göttingen but German language skills are not necessary.
Residence in Göttingen is required.

The position (TV-L E 13, 100%) is immediately available but the start date can be negotiated. Candidates
should apply electronically to michael.waldmann@bio.uni-goettingen.de (subject: post-doc). The position
is available until filled; we will start reviewing applications from 1 April 2024. Please submit a cover letter
explaining your motivation and fit, a CV, one or two samples of written work, and contact information of
three potential referees for letters of recommendation.

The University of Göttingen is an equal opportunities employer and places particular emphasis on fostering
career opportunities for women. Qualified women are therefore strongly encouraged to apply in fields in
which they are underrepresented. The university has committed itself to being a family-friendly institution
and supports their employees in balancing work and family life. The mission of the University is to employ a
greater number of severely disabled persons. Applications from severely disabled persons with equivalent
qualifications will be given preference.

Please note:
With the submission of your application, you accept the processing of your applicant data in terms of data-
protection law. Further information on the legal basis and data usage is provided in the Information
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) https://www.uni-goettingen.de/hinweisdsgvo




Postdoctoral Research Position in Cognitive Science (f/m/d)

Institut für Psychologie, Universität Göttingen
Vollzeit, Befristete Festanstellung
0 Jahre
Causal Reasoning

Veröffentlicht am 11.05.2024

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