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Doctoral Researcher in (Cognitive) Linguistics, Semiotics, and Gesture Studies (m, f, d)

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Doctoral Researcher in (Cognitive) Linguistics, Semiotics, and Gesture Studies (m, f, d)

Open Research Position

Doctoral Researcher in (Cognitive) Linguistics, Semiotics, and Gesture Studies
(m, f, d)

(Salary grade E 13 TV-L, 65%)

Chemnitz University of Technology invites applications for one doctoral position in the Collaborative
Research Centre (CRC 1410) Hybrid Societies – Humans Interacting with Embodied Technologies.
Employment is offered until December 31st, 2023 starting November 1st, 2020.

Research Environment and Tasks: Research in the CRC 1410 Hybrid Societies pertains to the interaction
with Embodied Digital Technologies (EDTs) as artificial bodies moving in real or virtual environments
(www.hybrid-societies.org). Interdisciplinary research in the CRC is guided by two leading questions to
ultimately ensure smooth and efficient encounters between humans and embodied technologies in
hybrid societies: What is required so that humans can coordinate with EDTs as smoothly as with
conspecifics? How to design EDTs to meet these requirements? Cooperating researchers from
psychology, engineering, computer science, human movement science, linguistics and gesture studies,
sociology, law studies, physics, and mathematics scientifically inquire the interaction of humans with
EDTs from the level of single actions up to the attribution of intentionality.

Project “Intentionality and Joint Attention in Multimodal Interaction” investigates how intentionality and
joint attention are indicated by verbal, gestural, and other bodily markers. The project aims at basic
insights into the nature of intentionality in multimodal interaction and establishes grounds for
transferring these findings to human-machine interaction. To achieve these goals, the project combines
empirical and experimental studies with methods and concepts from empirical gesture studies,
linguistics, semiotics, and formal logic. The successful applicant is responsible for research
assignments in all theoretical and methodological questions relevant to the project, coordination of
studies as well as preparation and support of publications and talks.

Researchers in the CRC Hybrid Societies contribute to the CRC’s joint research activities and actively
participate, for instance, in research colloquia, lecture series, and workshops. The doctoral position
includes the enrollment in the CRC's doctoral program.


• University degree (Master/Diploma or equivalent) in linguistics, semiotics, psychology, or a
similar background

• Expertise in semiotics, (cognitive) linguistics, or gesture studies

• Skills should include formalization and logic, corpus-linguistics experiences or similar skills in

analyzing large data sets

• Fluent in English (both written and spoken)

• Basic knowledge of German and/or the willingness to learn German

Application procedure:
Applicants should send their complete application documents including a motivation letter (1 page) with
a brief description of personal qualifications and research interests, a tabular curriculum vitae, copies of
degree certificates and academic transcripts, a publication list if applicable, and abstracts of Bachelor-
and Master-/diploma theses (1-2 pages) preferably as a single pdf-file via email (stating:
“CRC1410_D01”) to sekretariat.efricke@phil.tu-chemnitz.de. The closing date for applications is August
31st 2020. Please, do not include links in electronic applications. Please, send copies only. Original
documents will not be returned.

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Chemnitz University of Technology
Faculty of Humanities – Institute for German and Communication Studies
Professorship of German Linguistics, Semiotics and Multimodal Communication
Prof. Dr. Ellen Fricke and Dr. Jana Bressem
09107 Chemnitz


Chemnitz University of Technology is committed to ensuring an environment that provides equal
opportunities and promotes diversity. To increase the number of women working in science and
teaching, applications by women with the required qualifications are explicitly desired. Persons with
disabilities are encouraged to apply. They will be given preference if equally qualified.

Employment will be governed by the provisions of the German law on fixed-term contracts in academia

Information on the collection and processing of personal data is provided at

Doctoral Researcher in (Cognitive) Linguistics, Semiotics, and Gesture Studies (m, f, d)

TU Chemnitz
Deutsch, Englisch

Veröffentlicht am 02.09.2020

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