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12 fully funded PhD Positions in Cognitive Neuroscience (Univ. of Salzburg)

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12 fully funded PhD Positions in Cognitive Neuroscience (Univ. of Salzburg)

@unisalzburg www.facebook.com/unisalzburg/ @UniSalzburg


Theme: “ Imaging the Mind ”

Join an internationally renowned PhD programme in the beautiful city of Salzburg
(Austria). While Salzburg has one of the highest life quality ratings globally, the
university’s Department of Psychology with its Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience
(CCNS) is among the most productive departments worldwide .

We are inviting applications fo r 12 fully funded PhD s tudent ships in the following
interdisciplinary areas : cognitive (neuro -)science , psychology , biology ,
medicine /neurology , or computational neuroscience .
The program me will admit students f or autumn 2019 (earliest start date 1st October 2019) . It
offers numerous benefits :
 salary for a period of 3 to 4 years (including health and social insurance)
 equipped work space
 research consumables
 specific technological training courses (e.g. fMRI, EEG, MEG )
 presentation, scientific writing , & teaching skill s training
 full funding of congress participation , works hops , and international courses
 funding for 6 -month research stays in foreign partner laboratories
Candidates must hold a master’s degree or equivalent with a relevant speciali sation in one
of the above listed academic areas of the programme at the time of entry. Prior application
is possible. The language of the graduate programme (teaching) is English; hence, English
proficiency is indispensable. The programme strives for equal repres entation of female PhD
students, wherefore women are especially encouraged to apply.

@unisalzburg www.facebook.com/unisalzburg/ @UniSalzburg

Faculty and proposed research projects:
Jens Blechert
i) Emotion regulation and emotional eating
ii) Food reward and behavioral approach
Kerstin Hödlmoser
i) Memory consolidation/reactivation during sleep
ii) How SMART is it to go to bed with the PHONE?
Florian Hutzler
i) Systematics of cognitive processes: cognitive ontology
ii) Cognitive connectedness: BrainMap
Eva Jonas
i) Approach, avoidance, and behavioral inhibition, and their dynamic interaction
ii) The threat of outgroup rivalry and its adverse effects on outgroup empathy
Martin Kronbichler
i) The social brain in neurological and psychiatric disorders
ii) Expectation , attention and repetition suppression in the visual and auditory brain
Josef Perner
i) Connecting Theory of Mind with m athematics
ii) Memory systems and file management
Belinda Pletzer
i) Genetic modulation of sex hormone influences on cognition
ii) Hormonal contraceptive effects on brain & behavior
Manuel Schabus
i) Information processing during sleep
ii) Fetal programming and high -density baby EEG
Nathan Weisz
i) Awareness across audition and vision
ii) Regularity processing across cognitive hierarchies and sensory modalities
Frank Wilhelm
i) Conditioned auditory intrusions
ii) Developing objective markers of dissociative states of altered wakefulness

Deadline for applications: 21 st January 2019 (0:00 CET)
For detailed information about application, selection, admission s procedure, and the
scientific program me as well as the faculty please visit : https://phdIM .ccns.sbg.ac.at/

12 fully funded PhD Positions in Cognitive Neuroscience (Univ. of Salzburg)

Absolvent*in / Berufsanfänger*in

Veröffentlicht am 04.02.2019

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